Tuesday, February 01, 2005

If That Fool Bush Was Right...

Instapundit links to a chastened Chicago Sun Times columnist who begins to realize he's trapped in a Jules Feiffer Cartoon:

When that fool Reagan said that the Soviet Union was a failed
experiment headed for the ash heap of history, I knew he was a

When that fool Reagan said that the Soviet Union was an evil
empire, I knew he was a dangerous kook.

When that fool Reagan said that we could end the Cold War by
escalating the arms race, I knew the odds favored nuclear

When the Soviet Union went broke, dissolved, and repudiated
its past, I knew it was all Gorbachev's genius, and that fool Reagan
had nothing to do with it.

Because if that fool Reagan was right all along...
...what kind of fool am I?
--Jules Feiffer

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