Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Le Nazi de Soupe

Not a Seinfeld reprise, and the gendarmes are not amused:

...With steaming bowls of the fragrant broth soon passing through the crowd, Odile Bonnivard, a secretary turned far-right firebrand, climbed atop a dark sedan with a megaphone in hand and led the crowd in a raucous chant: "We are all pig eaters! We are all pig eaters!"

.... Made with smoked bacon, and with pigs' ears, feet and tails, together with vegetables and sausages, the soup is meant to make a political statement: "Help our own before others."

....In other words, the soup is meant to exclude those who do not eat pork - for the most part, Muslims and Jews.

.... In December, Bonnivard said, a van of plainclothes police officers chased her soup-bearing car through the streets, and several busloads of police officers arrived to stop her group from setting up at their usual spot near the Montparnasse train station, citing "the discriminatory nature of the soup." She and her group filed an appeal.

A Paris police spokesman said the appeal is pending and would be decided "on the basis of the current regulations, in particular concerning risks to public order and incitement to racial hatred."

.... This being France, most soup kitchens provide the downtrodden with a complete French dinner, including cheese and dessert. Bonnivard's group even offers a glass of red wine with every meal.

"The only condition required for dining with us: eat pork," reads the group's Web site, which bears the image of a wanted poster for a cartoon pig in a pot framed by the words, "Wanted, Cooked or Raw, Public Disturbance No. 1."

The site adds that, "cheese, dessert, coffee, clothing and candy go with the pork soup. No soup, no dessert."

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