Monday, June 13, 2005

Assume a Can't Opener?


Paul Krugman hides his eyes from the bogeyman:

Let's ignore those who believe that private medical accounts - basically tax shelters for the healthy and wealthy - can solve our health care problems through the magic of the marketplace.

Yes, let's ignore the economist with both a Bates Clark Medal and a Nobel Prize--thus outranking Paul--who believes in creating incentives to make health care delivery more efficient. It's much easier to win arguments when you don't have any opposition.

Update: As for Krugman's idea that we'll save money by letting the government handle payments for medical care, here's the history:

National Health Care Expenditures

Private % vs. Public %

1929: 86.4% v 13.6%
1940: 79.7% v 20.3%
1950: 72.8% v 27.2%
1960: 75.4% v 24.6%
1970: 62.2% v 37.8%
1980: 57.6% v 42.4%
1990: 59.5% v 40.5%
1998: 54.5% v 45.5%

Percent Paid Private Out of Pocket

1950: 56.3%
1960: 48.3%
1970: 35.3%
1980: 24.4%
1990: 20.7%
1998: 17.4%

2000: 15%

The above data show the real reason behind health care rising as a % of GDP over the last few decades. And, Krugman wants to move the figure for private payment to 0%

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