Thursday, December 29, 2005

Diga 'adios' a la siesta

Spain manages to finally enter the 19th century:

MADRID, Spain — Who could turn down a two-hour lunch fueled with good wine and the lure of a postmeal siesta?

Spaniards would love to.

....Many Spanish civil servants work from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., break for lunch, then come back as late as 4:30 p.m. for another three hours. Add commuting time in the morning and evening and people spend 12 hours or more away from home every day.

....But under a law that went into effect Tuesday, Spanish government ministries will close by 6 p.m. as part of a package of measures designed to help Spaniards balance jobs and families.

....Many Spanish workers — not just civil servants — have work schedules with lengthy lunch breaks, which have long been associated with the custom of taking a midday nap, or siesta. But polls suggest that, at least in cities, people live so far from their offices that few have the time to head home for an after-lunch snooze.

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