Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Fuhgeddabout It

The Seattle Post Intelligencer recaps the year's low lights in Washington state:

James Michael Tait and Kenneth Pinyan entered a barn near Enumclaw in July so Pinyan could have sex with a horse while Tait videotaped the event. Pinyan suffered internal bleeding and died.

....Spokane Mayor James West....was recalled from office after a newspaper contended that he offered young men city jobs and perks in exchange for sex.

.... Four inmates escaped the Yakima County Jail in 1994 by ramming a hole in the fourth-floor ceiling, crawling through ductwork to a roof vent, then using a bed sheet rope to lower themselves to freedom. Jail officials ordered that the facility be made escape-proof.

But on Nov. 25, nine inmates cut through the ceiling of their fourth-floor unit, kicked open a roof vent and escaped -- basically the same plan used in 1994.

....In August, a state prison guard who was arrested after a drunken brawl at a nightclub got into more trouble when he allegedly urinated on a jail computer.

Willie M. Shannon, 26, of Lacey, employed at Washington Corrections Center in Shelton, was in the Thurston County Jail when he decided to relieve himself through a protective screen onto a nearby computer workstation.

Damage to the computer, monitor, fax machine and other hardware was estimated at $1,500, and other equipment was rendered unusable because of the contamination. Shannon apologized.

.... A former Washington State Patrol trooper convicted of fondling women during traffic stops was ordered to pay more than $40,000 by a King County judge. Michael Idland, 41, was placed on four years probation.

Idland was accused of groping up to 10 women pulled over during drunken-driving traffic stops in 2002....

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